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Thursday, January 15, 2015

On Attracting New Members - a brief excerpt from a Shunryu Suzuki lecture with a longer comment by DC - also linked to in ZC Stories.

Wonder what the state of tooth filing is in Bali. Heard no mention of it in the last year like we did 22 years ago. When Kelly arrived here to join Elin and me, on the way from the (tiny then) airport to Ubud, we went to the home of our nanny (Clay was one) to witness her tooth filing ceremony which was a traditional coming of age ceremony. It had become almost entirely symbolic with what looked like a tiny bit of real and mainly pretend filing. I think they used to file them down to points. Ouch. - DC
Here's a brief bit on it  There are some pretty extreme pictures on the Internet, not representative.
- posted in Saunters

Here's the film Zen at War with Japanese subtitles for free. - thanks Brian Victoria who warns there's an ad up front and that it loads slow.
Brian Victoria cuke page - he wrote the book, Zen at War.