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Monday, November 9, 2015


First it was a computer error. Eldest son Kelly arrives tomorrow at 3:20 in Denpasar if the winds aren't carrying volcanic ash our way from Lombok. We'd called it the 9th for months but then receiving the Orbitz itinerary saw the 8th, realized days later that couldn't be as he left on the night of the 8th from Spokane. He said it was the 10th. Got a corrected itinerary showing the 10th but made a mistake and decided the 9th then a day later realized my mistake and corrected to the 10th. Each time I'd called driver Ketut and D & Widya landlords to make and change the reservation. Some places people would be upset, fine me even. Here it was just, OK. No problem, how you doing? I'm grateful for their forgiving attitudes towards gremlins of computer and the mind.